
Showing posts from April, 2020

Nuevo libro de @0xWord: "Show me the (e-)money". Hacking a sistemas de pagos digitales. NFC, RFID, MSF y Chips EMV.

Desde hoy mismo tienes a la venta en la web de 0xWord el nuevo libro que hemos publicado, dedicado a la investigación y el hacking de los sistemas de pagos digitales, al que hemos llamado " Show me the (e-)money: Hacking a sistemas de pagos digitales. NFC, RFID, MSF y Chips EMV ." donde el investigador Salvador Mendoza , conocido como Netxing , cuenta detalles muy interesantes sobre los límites de las tecnologías que dan soporte a los pagos digitales, algunos errores típicos en implementaciones de estos sistemas, y cómo un investigador puedo auditar un esquema de pagos digitales en una plataforma. Figura 1: Nuevo libro de 0xWord: "Show me the (e-)money". Hacking a sistemas de pagos digitales. NFC, RFID, MSF y Chips EMV. Este libro es una recopilación y combinación de herramientas a nivel de hardware , software y metodologías para la explotación de sistemas de pagos digitales. Los programas para crear relays y algunos para ataques de repetición n...

Xubuntu has made a video to show off its latest release

With the weekend approaching you might be planning to take some of the official Ubuntu 20.04 flavours for a spin — if so, Xubuntu has a little something to tempt you its way. This post, Xubuntu has made a video to show off its latest release is from OMG! Ubuntu! . Do not reproduce elsewhere without permission.

Tomato Upma: An Easy to Make Breakfast

Tomato Upma is a breakfast that I make often at home. It is very easy to make and a change from the traditional upma. With this recipe, you can make the perfect tomato Upma at home. The post Tomato Upma: An Easy to Make Breakfast appeared first on ãhãram .

Pop!_OS 20.04 Released with Major New Features

Pop!_OS 20.04 is now available to download — but brace yourself as this release carries some pretty significant changes with it! Although Pop OS is based on Ubuntu is is not Ubuntu – a difference […] This post, Pop!_OS 20.04 Released with Major New Features is from OMG! Ubuntu! . Do not reproduce elsewhere without permission.

Ubuntu 20.10 Daily Builds Now Available to Download

Buckle up for the ride as you can now download Ubuntu 20.10 daily builds for testing! Freshly spun ISOs of what will become the next stable Ubuntu release will be produced each and every day […] This post, Ubuntu 20.10 Daily Builds Now Available to Download is from OMG! Ubuntu! . Do not reproduce elsewhere without permission.

Buckle up: Create your own karting game at Your First Game Jam

The Karting Microgame video game template just got a serious makeover to help new users get started in Unity, and we’re inviting you to mod your own version at Your First Game Jam on May 3. The fun, simple, playable game template comes with guided tutorials so you can customize the game to make it […] The post Buckle up: Create your own karting game at Your First Game Jam appeared first on Unity Technologies Blog .

Cybersecurity and the economy: when recession strikes

Cybercrime and the economy have always been intertwined, but with COVID-19 on the road to causing a seemingly inevitable global recession, many are asking what, exactly, will the impact be on cybercrime. Will criminals step up and increase malware production, ramp up phishing attacks, do whatever it takes to pull in some cash? Or will it cause a little downturn in malware making and other dubious dealings? Cyber recession: setting the scene One of our key points of observation would be back in 2009, during the last global recession. While searching for information, one of the flashpoints which kept coming up was a paper put together by a team of researchers from around the world called Crime online: cybercrime and illegal innovation . Almost every article which came back to me referenced it in some way, and it was front and centre for every writeup. It’s so pervasive that even articles written in the last 12 months tend to link it when talking about the impact of recessions on profes...

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Weak

Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: Looking at you, Gyruss. Hand-eye coordination my ass. Today's News:

Remdesivir ist nur mäßig wirksam gegen das neue Coronavirus

Zwar verringert sich die Sterberate und die Krankheitsdauer dank Remdesivir, das erhoffte Zaubermittel ist es allerdings nicht, auch wenn das Weiße Haus Remdesivir bereits als erstes Corona-Medikament feiert. Unmittelbar nach Bekanntwerden der ersten Corona-Infektionen in China geriet Remdesivir in den ... Ganzen Artikel lesen »

Vitamine sind unerlässlich im Kampf gegen COVID-19

Ein funktionierendes Immunsystem ist im Kampf gegen COVID-19 entscheidend. Dafür braucht der Körper ausreichend Vitamine und andere Nährstoffe. Doch genau daran mangelt es vielen Menschen. Masken tragen, Abstand halten, Hände waschen - Gebote, die derzeit rund um den Globus gelten. Vielmehr können wir ... Ganzen Artikel lesen »

Klimaschutz: Strom für Bus und LKW

Weltweit fahren die meisten LKW und Busse derzeit mit Diesel. Könnte E-Strom aus Oberleitungen und Batterien eine klimafreundliche Option sein? In einigen Städten gibt es bereits Busse die beides intelligent kombinieren. Die neuen Batterie-Oberleitungsbusse in Solingen sind Teil des sauberen Verkehrskonzepts. ... Ganzen Artikel lesen »


1. The act of insulting someone via a reference to an embarrassing event in their past. The term was popularized by a scene in "Goodfellas" in which Billy Batts admonishes Tommy DeVito for his subservient childhood job by exclaiming "go home and get your f**kin shinebox." 2. Attacking someone for previous shameful actions, giving the impression said acts are indelible. Mike opted to avoid attending his high school reunion, knowing they'd remember his loss of bladder control in gym class and be shineboxing him all night.

Gremlin Botnets: El club de los poetas muertos en la RootedCON 11

En lo que va a de año no es que haya hecho muchas cosas en forma de eventos, que se pueda decir. En total, un par de conferencias, un podcast desde casa y un vídeo que grabé para dejar unas recomendaciones sobre libros de hacking y seguridad informática. Pero os las he traído todas por si son interesantes para vosotros. Figura 1: Gremlin Botnets: El club de los poetas muertos en la RootedCON 11 El último que os debía era el vídeo de la conferencia sobre Gremlin Botnets que impartí en la RootedCON 11 en Madrid , el jueves 5 de Marzo de 2020, justo antes del confinamiento. Dura poco más de 40 minutos, y la tienes íntegra aquí. Figura 2: Gremlin Botnets: "El club de los poetas muertos" En esta charla hablé de las Gremlin Botnets , y tenéis publicados todos los artículos, con todas las explicaciones y la demos en vídeo en la siguiente lista de posts, por si te los quieres leer con calma. - Gremlin Botnets: El club de los poetas muertos [Parte 1 de 6] - Greml...