For the last few weeks, there’s been a solid stream of fake PayPal emails in circulation, twisting FOMO (fear of missing out) into DO THIS OR BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN. It’s one of the most common tools in the scammer’s arsenal, and a little pressure applied in the right way often brings results for them. Claim people are going to lose something, or incur charges, or miss out on a valuable service, and they’ll come running. Below is an outline of who these emails claim to be from, what they look like, and the kind of panic-clicking that they’re pushing. These are just a few examples; there are many, many others. Common factors Most of the mails we’ve seen claim to be sent from Secure(AT)intl-limited(DOT)com Or variations thereof, although the actual email being used is frequently just a mishmash of random letters / words / numbers. They also mostly make claims that your account is limited, or restricted in some way, or there’s been some unusual activity on your account and now you mu...