
Showing posts from July, 2020

A Quick Rundown of Big Tech’s Showdown with Congress

CEOS of four of the biggest companies in tech, including Apple’s Tim Cook, recently appeared before Congress to answer questions about their business practices. Here’s a roundup of the coverage.

Updated Apple Style Guide Available on the Web and in Apple Books

Apple has updated its style guide, both on the Web and in Apple Books, which triggers TidBITS publisher Adam Engst to discuss how TidBITS makes stylistic decisions in writing and editing. He also examines a few of the changes to the style guide that Apple has made recently.

Avoid these PayPal phishing emails

For the last few weeks, there’s been a solid stream of fake PayPal emails in circulation, twisting FOMO (fear of missing out) into DO THIS OR BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN. It’s one of the most common tools in the scammer’s arsenal, and a little pressure applied in the right way often brings results for them. Claim people are going to lose something, or incur charges, or miss out on a valuable service, and they’ll come running. Below is an outline of who these emails claim to be from, what they look like, and the kind of panic-clicking that they’re pushing. These are just a few examples; there are many, many others. Common factors Most of the mails we’ve seen claim to be sent from Secure(AT)intl-limited(DOT)com Or variations thereof, although the actual email being used is frequently just a mishmash of random letters / words / numbers. They also mostly make claims that your account is limited, or restricted in some way, or there’s been some unusual activity on your account and now you mu...

America’s Culinary Food Stories-Black-Eyed Peas

America is a melting pot that was formed by the hard-working people who migrated here from lands as far east as China and Japan and as far north as Russia and Europe. They utilized American supplies and prepared them in ways that they had prepared them in their homeland. True American food is a collection of these culinary traditions passed down from generation to generation”.Each culture brought their cooking methods, food, and spices to America. They farmed the soil, hunted game, and incorporated their ways into the food of America. Black-Eyed Peas Cultivated since prehistoric times in China and India, black-eyed peas are related to the mung bean. The ancient Greeks and Romans preferred them to chickpeas. Black-eyed peas are believed to have been first domesticated near Africa’s Lake Chad in what is now northeastern Nigeria and northern Cameroon. They were brought to the West Indies by enslaved West Africans, as early as 1674. Most black-eyed pea cultivation occurred in the Sout...

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Why

Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: More painful than the beatings was the attempt to create an agreed-upon definition of 'voluntary'. Today's News:


Internet slang for “quarantine”, originating from the many times people misspelled that word on social media during the COVID-19 or coronavirus crisis. Often used in posts expressing boredom or frustration related to self-quarantine or 'social distancing' measures. Sometimes also (mis)spelled ‘corn teen’, ‘corn and teen’, ‘corn in teen’ or ‘corn of teen’. “Wow, They Making Us Self Cornteen” “I may not be making babies during this corn teen but by god I’m thinkin about it” “I’ve been drunk almost everyday of corn and teen” “Really regret not getting my eyebrows done before corn of teen” “What y’all doing for the corn in teen?”

Chema vs. Chema: Descansar o Construir.

Hoy es el día que había marcado en el calendario para recargar. Como los últimos años. Tomar un respiro y recargar el cuerpo y la mente con energías renovadas. Descansar física y mentalmente de un año muy duro para todos. Un año donde hemos perdido amigos y familiares más o menos cercanos. En el que no hemos tenido el descanso merecido en Semana Santa o el Puente de Mayo . Y donde encima hemos visto como se cernía sobre nosotros una complicada situación económica a nivel de personas, familias y sociedades. Figura 1: Chema vs. Chema: Descansar o Construir. Un año muy duro. Un año donde he visto a mis compañeros de trabajo dejarse la piel en un entorno muy difícil emocionalmente. Pues no solo ha sido un largo periodo sin vacaciones, sino que ha sido también un largo periodo de soledad profesional tras cerrarse la vídeo conferencia. Donde ha faltado el refuerzo emocional de una sonrisa, un comentario banal, o un café tras una reunión. O una persona a la que ir después...

Apple Q3 2020 Breaks Records While the World Burns, Next iPhone to Be Fashionably Late

For its third fiscal quarter of 2020, Apple reported quarterly record financial results that far exceeded consensus estimates, managing to show revenue increases in all of its product segments and geographic sectors. Chalk it up to people working and learning from home.

Wan to run Mac OS 8 on Linux as an Electron app? Well, you can anyway

Fancy running Mac OS 8 on your modern Mac, Linux, or Windows 10 desktop as an app? Of course you don’t, but that hasn’t stopped Slack developer Felix Rieseberg😉 from giving you (and the rest […] This post, Wan to run Mac OS 8 on Linux as an Electron app? Well, you can anyway is from OMG! Ubuntu! . Do not reproduce elsewhere without permission.

Unity Hackweek 2020 – in it together, no matter where we are

When most people think of Hackweek, what typically comes to mind are images of wild-eyed developers, huddled up in rooms for days, pouring over hundreds of lines of code and dozens of cups of coffee. We imagine these teams toasting in celebration, being inspired and energized by what they discover and create, bonded in feelings […] The post Unity Hackweek 2020 – in it together, no matter where we are appeared first on Unity Technologies Blog .

Malspam campaign caught using GuLoader after service relaunch

They say any publicity is good publicity. But perhaps this isn’t true for CloudEye, an Italian firm that claims to provide “the next generation of Windows executables’ protection”. First described by Proofpoint security researchers in March 2020, GuLoader is a downloader used by threat actors to distribute malware on a large scale. In June, CloudEye was exposed by CheckPoint as the entity behind GuLoader. Following the spotlight from several security firms and news outlets, GuLoader activity dropped in late June. But around the second week of July, we started seeing the downloader in malspam campaigns again. Protection and evasion attract criminal element While the concept of downloaders is certainly not new, GuLoader itself found its origins in DarkEye Protector, a crypter sold in various forums circa 2011, which later evolved into CloudEye . Designed as a product to prevent reverse engineering and protect against other forms of code theft, CloudEye is a Visual Basic 6 downloade...

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Color

Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: If you worked really hard from infancy, I bet you could convince a kid that yellow and blue mix to make pink. Today's News:

Nachhaltiges Fleisch durch Insekten im Futter - kann das die Landwirtschaft revolutionieren?

In Kenia züchten junge Agrarunternehmer tonnenweise Larven der Schwarzen Soldatenfliege als Ersatz für Tierfutter aus umweltschädlichem Fischmehl und Soja. Aber ist das auch international interessant? Nach Pflanzen sucht man im Gewächshaus von Frederick Kimathi Githua vergeblich. Anstelle von Obst und ... Ganzen Artikel lesen »

Reclaiming my time

When people are on your time but wasting it! Maxine: Are you familiar with the May 23rd letter that I sent Munchkin: Thank you for having me here, you're such a beautifu- Maxine: RECLAIMING MY TIME. -- Answer the question, hoe.

Unos consejos para fortificar MongoDB en el mundo NoSQL

Conocí el mundo de los NoSQL allá por el año 2013 cuando comenzamos con ElevenPaths a construir nuevas tecnologías. Teníamos muchos retos tecnológicos por completar ante nosotros. Fue una etapa en la que aprendimos mucho ante todos los cambios y avances en tecnología que aparecían ante nosotros. Hay algo que nos enseñaban cuando estudiábamos en la carrera y es que un  Ingeniero debe buscar soluciones, es decir, analizar el problema, analizar una posible solución, diseñar, implementar, etcétera. Figura 1: Unos consejos para fortificar MongoDB en el mundo NoSQL A uno de esos problemas de aquella época le dimos solución basándonos en un tipo de bases de datos no relacionales llamas "Not Only SQL"   o NoSQL . Hoy me quiero centrar en una de esas NoSQL , en MongoDB . Es, por mérito propio uno de los motores de base de datos no relacional más utilizados hoy en día. En su día sacamos alguna noticia sobre MongoDB dónde su seguridad no quedaba bien parada, pero q...