Seven creative strategies for every stage of the consumer journey

Direct-to-consumer marketing is picking up steam, as readily accessible data makes it easier than ever for brands to reach their customers. But are companies using this data effectively? 

Sean Surdovel, media product specialist for Taboola—a technology company that drives brands’ marketing results by targeting audiences when they are most receptive to new messages—took the stage at the Ad Age Next: Direct-to-Consumer conference on September 9 in New York to talk about the limitations of transactional marketing and the benefits of a full-funnel platform.

Surdovel explained that while understanding your CPA is important, it's only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to business growth, especially given the number of marketing touchpoints required to generate a sale.

The key to success is tying your digital efforts to content that will build value throughout your customer journey.

The following creative strategies will help you optimize engagement and ROI at each stage of the consumer journey—from awareness and consideration to purchasing—and inspire loyalty for your brand.   


Creating awareness

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but according to Forrester research, a single minute of video is worth about 1.8 million. Aside from ad format, there are many factors that influence consumer attentiveness to ads and influence the ROI they provide to brands. As cited at Ad Age’s DTC event, a joint study from Taboola and Nielsen found that when presented with the same video ads in Taboola’s Feed format versus pre-roll formats, consumers were 25 percent more attentive to the Feed format.

  1. One of the most effective ways to create brand awareness is to engage users with video content on your social, mobile and web platforms—the average user spends 88 percent more time on a website with a video than a website without.
  2. Entertaining and informative blog content will position you as an expert and allow you to demonstrate your products or services.
  3. Sharing earned media and positive press is effective for building awareness and contributes to your audience’s willingness to consider making a purchase.


Inspiring consideration

To inspire consideration in your audience, ask yourself: What does my audience need to know about my brand before making a purchase? This phase is about brand trust and relationship-building.

  1. Grab your audience with a landing page that conveys your brand’s values and strengths, and include images that capture your target audience engaging with your product.
  2. Showcase earned media and positive press and make your CTAs softer and suggestive (“Read,” “Learn,” and “See How”) to build curiosity. 


Driving purchases

At this point in the marketing funnel, awareness has been built around your brand, and visitors have considered making a purchase. It’s time to inspire an action.

  1. The strategy in this phase is to drive users to a page that directs the user to shop or purchase a product, so content and imagery should be geared toward the value of your product and overcoming any common buying objections, such as costs, competitor products, etc. To accomplish this creatively, choose images that are representative of your product. Show close-ups and brightly colored backgrounds that will make the product stand out.
  2. In your copy, make your titles clear and give them a sense of urgency. Ask questions to drive curiosity and create a fear of missing out by making your audience feel they’ll become a part of something by purchasing your product.

By introducing more consumer touchpoints through relevant content, and optimizing on key moments through these creative strategies, you increase brand awareness, pique customer interest and, ultimately, inspire an action—be it a download, submission, click or sale.

At the heart of Taboola’s strategy is the concept “The Moment of Next.” By seamlessly positioning branded content on the most effective platforms at optimal times, Taboola is able to help brands reach users at massive scale, create meaningful engagements and drive marketing results.

from CommaFeed - Real Time Trends Network


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