
Showing posts from September, 2020

Taurus Project stealer now spreading via malvertising campaign

For the past several months, Taurus Project—a relatively new stealer that appeared in the spring of 2020 —has been distributed via malspam campaigns targeting users in the United States . The macro-laced documents spawn a PowerShell script that invokes certutil to run an autoit script ultimately responsible for downloading the Taurus binary. Taurus was originally built as a fork by the developer behind Predator the thief . It boasts many of the same capabilities as Predator the thief, namely the ability to steal credentials from browsers, FTP, VPN, and email clients as well as cryptocurrency wallets. Starting in late August, we began noticing large malvertising campaigns , including, in particular, one campaign that we dubbed Malsmoke that distributes Smoke Loader. During the past few days we observed a new infection pushing the Taurus stealer. Campaign scope Like the other malvertising campaigns we covered, this latest one is also targeting visitors to adult sites. Victims are mos...

macOS 10.15.7 Catalina, iOS 14.0.1, iPadOS 14.0.1, watchOS 7.0.1, and tvOS 14.0.1 Squash Bugs

Apple has released macOS 10.15.7 Catalina, iOS 14.0.1, iPadOS 14.0.1, watchOS 7.0.1, and tvOS 14.0.1 to address minor bugs.

iOS 14’s Back Tap Feature Provides Interaction Shortcuts

Deep in the Accessibility settings of iOS 14 is a new feature called Back Tap that lets you assign a variety of system and accessibility actions—and anything you build in the Shortcuts app—to a double or triple tap on the back of your iPhone.

Algunas mejoras en el buzón de MyPublicInbox con nueva información visual #mypublicinbox @mypublicinbox1

No soy de comunicarme por redes sociales, a pesar de que las utilizo de canales de difusión de mis publicaciones. Para el trabajo, siempre he sido, y sigo siendo de correo electrónico. No es casual que naciera MyPublicInbox como nació. Buscando hacer una herramienta que no se muriera por el spam, el malware, los ataques de phishing o el uso no responsable de ese canal de comunicación. Figura 1: Algunas mejoras en el buzón de MyPublicInbox con nueva información visual Ahora, cuando estamos cerca ya de llegar al año desde que lanzamos la primera versión del proyecto, hemos ido añadiendo nuevas funcionalidades para hacer que los Perfiles Públicos que utilizan este canal tengan más y mejor información, así como una mejor experiencia gestionando sus hilos de comunicación sin que sean una herramienta de robo de tiempo en su vida, y que sean útiles por el contrario. Os cuento algunas cosas. Etiquetas informativas en la Bandeja de Entrada de MyPublicInbox Ahora en la Bandeja...

Sandbox in security: what is it, and how it relates to malware

To better understand modern malware detection methods, it’s a good idea to look at sandboxes. In cybersecurity, the use of sandboxes has gained a lot of traction over the last decade or so. With the plethora of new malware coming our way every day, security researchers needed something to test new programs without investing too much of their precious time. Sandboxes provide ideal, secluded environments to screen certain malware types without giving that malware a chance to spread. Based on the observed behavior, the samples can then be classified as harmless, malicious, or “needs a closer look.” Running programs in such a secluded environment is referred to as sandboxing and the environment the samples are allowed to run in are called sandboxes. Definition of sandboxing Let’s start with a definition so we know what we are talking about. There are many definitions around but I’m partial to this one : “Sandboxing is a software management strategy that isolates applications from cri...

Helping to set Romero Games’s Empire of Sin up for success

Hundreds of game studios – from skeleton-crew indies to big-budget AAAs – turn to Unity Customer Success Services to ensure that their projects are built on strong and stable foundations. Renowned strategy games publisher Paradox Interactive relies on a Unity Success Plan to empower its development partners to deliver amazing game experiences.   Here, we’ll […] The post Helping to set Romero Games’s Empire of Sin up for success appeared first on Unity Technologies Blog .

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - AI

Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: I don't know why, but I find it really funny to draw naked vacuous humans. Today's News:

Warum sind Familienfeiern als Corona-Superspreader-Events so gefährlich? 

Dass nur einzelne COVID-19-Infizierte für lokale Infektions-Cluster verantwortlich sind, klingt dramatisch, erleichtert aber eine zielgerichtetere Pandemie-Bekämpfung. Oftmals kommt es zu lokalen Infektions-Clustern nach Partys oder großen Familienfeiern: Geselliges Zusammensein in geschlossenen Räumen ... Ganzen Artikel lesen »

"Sputnik V": Wissenschaftler kritisiert die russischen Impfstoffentwickler

Der Druck auf die Impfstoffentwickler aus Russland wächst: Kritiker befürchten Manipulationen an Ergebnissen der Studie zum Impfstoff gegen COVID-19. Die DW hat den Mitverfasser eines offenen Briefes interviewt. In den nächsten Tagen soll in der medizinischen Fachzeitschrift "The Lancet" ein ... Ganzen Artikel lesen »

Sattu ki Tikki: A Delicious High-Protein Snack

Sattu ki Tikki is a delicious way to include the protein- and fibre-rich Sattu into your diet. Sattu is the flour made from soaked, dried black chickpeas or chana. With this recipe, you get all the pleasure of snacking with some great health benefits. :) The post Sattu ki Tikki: A Delicious High-Protein Snack appeared first on ãhãram .

Todoist Takes on Trello with New Kanban Board Feature

Todoist now has a Kanban board feature similar to Trello. Todoist boards let users visualise tasks as cards and move them between different sections easily. This post, Todoist Takes on Trello with New Kanban Board Feature is from OMG! Ubuntu! . Do not reproduce elsewhere without permission.

Microsoft Edge for Linux will Ship With These Features Missing

Microsoft has revealed more details on what Linux users can expect in the upcoming Edge for Linux release. In case you missed the news flash: Microsoft Edge for Linux will be available to download starting […] This post, Microsoft Edge for Linux will Ship With These Features Missing is from OMG! Ubuntu! . Do not reproduce elsewhere without permission.

Its Fall-Make Chili

Texas Chili We like chili without beans but if you like them add 2 cups cooked red or pinto beans. Ingredients 2 pounds beef chuck roast or stew meat 1 lb ground beef 1 teaspoon salt, more to taste 3 tablespoons vegetable oil, divided 1 large onion, chopped 1 large green bell pepper, diced 3 large garlic cloves, minced 4 fresh green jalapeños or 2 poblano peppers, diced 2 tablespoons ground chili powder 1 tablespoon dried oregano 1 tablespoon ground cumin 1½ teaspoons ground coriander 1 (12-ounce) bottle beer 1 28-ounce can diced tomatoes 3 whole dried large Mexican chiles Chopped fresh cilantro Directions Cut beef into 1/2-inch cubes and sprinkle with salt. In a large, heavy pot over high heat, heat 2 tablespoons of oil until shimmering. Working in batches to avoid crowding the pan, brown the meat cubes, turning occasionally. Adjust heat to prevent scorching. As it is cooked, remove the meat to a bowl. Add the ground beef and cook until no longer pink. Remove to ...

Phishers spoof reliable cybersecurity training company to garner clicks

“It happens to the best of us.” And, indeed, no adage is better suited to a phishing campaign that recently made headlines. Fraudsters used the brand, KnowBe4—a trusted cybersecurity company that offers security awareness training for organizations—to gain recipients’ trust, their Microsoft Outlook credentials, and other personally identifiable information (PII) . This is according to findings from our friends at Cofense Intelligence, who did a comprehensive analysis of the campaign, and of course, KnowBe4, who first reported about it . Screenshot of phishing email courtesy of KnowBe4 Email details are as follows: Subject: Training Reminder: Due Date Message body: Good morning Your Security Awareness Training will expire within the next 24hrs . You only have 1 day to complete the following assignment: – 2020 KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training Please note this training is not available on the employee training Portal. You need to use the link below to complete the trainin...

How Fall Guys defied the odds and went global

With a launch that saw 1.5M+ players logging in to take part in one of the wackiest titles of 2020, we celebrate their story – and the technology that made it possible. If you’re not already playing Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout, following @FallGuysGame on Twitter or tuning in with the millions of others on Twitch […] The post How Fall Guys defied the odds and went global appeared first on Unity Technologies Blog .

Streit um Klimaschutz: Wie viel Erneuerbare braucht Deutschland?

Die Erderhitzung stoppen, bis 2050 soll Deutschland klimaneutral sein. Kohle, Öl und Gas müssen ersetzt werden. Dafür wird viel Wind- und Solarstrom gebraucht. Doch am Ausbauplan der Regierung gibt es Kritik. Warum? Wie viel Solar- und Windstrom braucht Klimaneutralität? Die Energieversorgung ohne Kohle, ... Ganzen Artikel lesen »

Warum stranden Wale und Delfine?

Massenstrandungen von Walen und Delfinen gab es schon immer, weltweit sterben so jährlich rund 2000 Meeressäuger. Doch nicht immer hat dies natürliche Gründe. Welche Wale und Delfine stranden wo? Die häufigsten Massenstrandungen sind von Grind- und Pottwalen, Schnabelwalen und Hochsee-Delfinen bekannt. ... Ganzen Artikel lesen »

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Bottom

Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: Later, as a punishment, she gives him the sex talk. Today's News:

Lenovo Expands Its Range of Ubuntu Laptops

Lenovo is expanding its range of Ubuntu laptops and PCs to cover almost 30 distinct models, including popular models like the ThinkPad X1 Carbon (8th gen). This post, Lenovo Expands Its Range of Ubuntu Laptops is from OMG! Ubuntu! . Do not reproduce elsewhere without permission.

Corona-Pandemie: Ethikrat gegen Immunitätsausweis

Vorerst rät der Deutsche Ethikrat von einem Immunitätsausweis zu Covid-19 ab. Doch ganz beerdigen wollen die Wissenschaftler das Vorhaben noch nicht. Einfach den Immunitätsausweis vorzeigen und dann hinein in den Reisebus, ins Konzert oder ins Altersheim. Könnte ein weitgehend normales Leben mitten in ... Ganzen Artikel lesen »

Wenn COVID-19 auf Grippe trifft

Als wenn COVID-19 allein nicht schon genug wäre. Die alljährliche Grippewelle wird schon bald anrollen, wenn Herbst und Winter kommen. Was also wenn uns beide gleichzeitig erwischen? Kaum haben die Wissenschaftler einen Erfolg in der Corona-Forschung zu verbuchen, kommen neue Probleme. Jetzt stehen Herbst ... Ganzen Artikel lesen »

iOS 14 en iPhone y la granularidad de los permisos a tus fotos para que no te roben las más "privadas": Casi bien, pero le falta un poquito

Una de las cosas de las que he hablado muchas veces en el mundo de las apps para iOS y Android , es el uso de permisos de forma oportunista. Es decir, si una app pide permiso para acceder al carrete de las fotos, le tienes que dar acceso a todo el carrete sí o sí. Eso quiere decir que si una app te convence de que necesita acceso al carrete y tú eres capaz de comprender que lo necesita y se lo das, le tienes que dar permiso a toda las fotos. Figura 1: iOS 14 en iPhone y la granularidad de los permisos a tus fotos para que no te roben las más "privadas": Casi bien, pero le falta un poquito Pero, ¿qué pasa si esa app se convierte en una Germlin App y hace un uso oportunista de ese permiso? De esto hablé en el artículo - y la charla - de las Gremlin Botnets , donde os contaba como en el mercado de las apps en venta que se usan para ciberespionaje lo que vale es el número de usuarios que tiene, qué tipo de usuarios tiene, y cuáles son los permisos de esa app . Fi...

Firefox 81 Arrives with New Theme, Media Controls, PDF Viewer + More

Mozilla Firefox 81 has been released and it features some genuinely useful improvements. I know I probably say the same thing ever release, but last month’s Firefox 80 was a very low-key release for such […] This post, Firefox 81 Arrives with New Theme, Media Controls, PDF Viewer + More is from OMG! Ubuntu! . Do not reproduce elsewhere without permission.

Caramel Swirl Buttercream Frosting

Caramel Swirl Buttercream Frosting: A light and fluffy buttercream with a touch of spice and beautiful swirls of caramel. The perfect Fall cupcake frosting. This amazing frosting would compliment any vanilla, chocolate or pumpkin cupcakes. DRESS UP A COFFEE CAKE! … [CLICK TO READ MORE] The post Caramel Swirl Buttercream Frosting appeared first on Lady Behind the Curtain .

Microsoft Edge for Linux Finally Has a Release Date

You won’t have to wait too much longer to try Microsoft Edge on Linux — a preview version of the browser will be available to download next month. Microsoft only confirmed its plan to bring […] This post, Microsoft Edge for Linux Finally Has a Release Date is from OMG! Ubuntu! . Do not reproduce elsewhere without permission.

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Impact

Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: While some stare at their feet, others see over the horizon. Today's News:

The Future’s Looking Bright for Free Video Editor Lightworks

Pro-level video editing software Lightworks has new owners and a renewed vision for the future. LWKS Software Ltd plans to add new features and toolsets. This post, The Future’s Looking Bright for Free Video Editor Lightworks is from OMG! Ubuntu! . Do not reproduce elsewhere without permission.

Klimawandel in der Sprache: Sollten wir über Waldbrände oder Klimabrände sprechen?

Das Ausmaß der Waldbrände bricht in den USA alle Rekorde. Die Rufe werden lauter sie "Klimabrände" zu nennen, die Sprache solle unmissverständlich sein. Brauchen wir einen Klimawandel auch in der Sprache? "Das sind keine Waldbrände, das sind Klimabrände", sagte Jay Inslee, Gouverneur des Staates ... Ganzen Artikel lesen »

Chicken and Rice Casserole

Chicken and Rice Casserole: With only a few ingredients this casserole is easy to make and offers a ton of flavor. Perfect for an easy weeknight dinner or taking to a potluck. Scroll down to see why this casserole makes … [CLICK TO READ MORE] The post Chicken and Rice Casserole appeared first on Lady Behind the Curtain .

“Polarstern“ nimmt Abschied von der Arktis

Die Corona-Pandemie ließ auch die “Mosaic“-Expedition zur logistischen Herausforderung werden. Nach einem Jahr in der Arktis hat das Forschungsschiff seine Rückreise angetreten. Ein Jahr im "ewigen Eis" kann lang werden. Denn auch wenn die "Polarstern" tausende Kilometer vom eigentlichen ... Ganzen Artikel lesen »

Herz-Kreislauf: Wie gefährlich ist niedriger Blutdruck?

Nicht nur hoher auch niedriger Blutdruck kann das Leben stark beeinträchtigen, Betroffene regelrecht lahmlegen und den Alltag etwa durch Schwindelanfälle beschwerlich machen. Für nahezu alles gibt es Idealwerte auch für unseren Blutdruck, bei dem es zwei Werte gibt: Der systolische Wert - der obere Wert ... Ganzen Artikel lesen »

Meereis in der Arktis fast auf Rekordtief

Das Meereis in der Arktis ist auf die zweitgeringste Ausdehnung seit Start der Messungen vor rund 40 Jahren geschrumpft. Dies zeige, wie "massiv die Zerstörung unseres Planeten voranschreitet", so Experten. Das Meereis in der Arktis ist dieses Jahr wieder rasant stark geschmolzen. Experten maßen 3,74 ... Ganzen Artikel lesen »

Five Tips for Easier Rearranging of iOS Apps

iOS 14’s App Library might make it easier to find apps, but if you want to clean up your existing Home screens and folders, these tips will make it easier regardless of what version of iOS or iPadOS you may be running.

The Social Dilema o Cómo la Inteligencia Artificial ha superado la debilidad humana y puede zombificarnos

Este fin de semana pude ver el documental de Social Dilema en Netflix , que se centra en explicar cómo las redes sociales han creado sistemas de Inteligencia Artificial para maximizar el negocio. Y para hacer esto, en una plataforma donde el objetivo es vender muchos anuncios estas Inteligencias Artificiales se han creado en conseguir lo que quieren los anunciantes y como se aplican a las redes sociales, motores de búsqueda, servicios de todo tipo en la red. Cambiar tu comportamiento para los que pagan los anuncios o "post promocionados de propaganda" . Figura 1: The Social Dilema o Cómo la Inteligencia Artificial ha superado la debilidad humana y puede zombificarnos Para poder hacer esto, necesitan muchos datos de ti. Datos, datos, datos, datos. Capturados de todas partes y lugares . Y cuando se tengan esos datos crear sistemas de Inteligencia Artificial que maximizan el beneficio de la empresa a largo plazo, así que se centran en subir el impacto de los anuncio...